Not just money, whatever supports life is wealth
Bangalore, 09 Dec 2010 A group of Teacher's Training Participants from Haryana perform a dance. Soul communication Q: Why does everyone want to meet you? Become Vegetarian - The way of turning the world Vegetarian is to be friendly with animals. Q: Today a big population has turned vegetarian. Thirty years ago you could hardly find vegetarianism outside India. Why is it so? Q: What to do when desires arises in mind? Breaking Bad Habits - Three ways to get Rid of Bad Habits Q. How to get over habits? Q. How to get over bad attitude of anybody? Q. What is wealth? Laya Samadhi & Sakshi Samadhi Q. What is Samadhi? True Meaning Of LifeSri Sri : When somebody leaves the body we realize the magnitude of life. A person, who was there, is no more. It brings a depth to life One starts wondering - what is life? Where did the person go? It gives a depth to life, there is no point in brooding. Yes, tears, come you don’t need to suppress them. But there is no need to brood over it. In the Bhagavad Gita Lord Krishna talks about all the good qualities. And then He adds that they are already in you. Negative qualities have come because of company etc. You don't need to get positive qualities. Just like in an atom, the core is positive and the negativity is peripheral If you feel that deep inside you is sorrow or anger then you can never get rid of it. Don’t ever think deep inside you is sorrow or anger. Modern psychology sometimes says this sorrow is deep inside you. It’s wrong. They know nothing about consciousness. Negativity is not skin deep. Know that it’s not in the core. Would you like to share your Experience.Do you have a great story about this? Share it! |
Quotes From Master"Meditation is the comfort in Life. ""LOVE is seeing God in the person next to us, and meditation is seeing God within us" "WHEN the ego dissolves, all discomforts go away with the ego. Discomfort is not because of “something;” it is because of ego — a separated-ness." "THE purpose of every practice — spiritual practice, meditation, breathing techniques, and kriya, all this — is to uncover something that blocks the expression of Divine Love." "Behind everything is your ego: I, I, I, I. But in seva there is no I, because it has to be done for someone else. It is for the need of the time, or surrounding people, that you do it. " "By self-study, by observing, by being hollow and empty, you become a channel - you become a part of the Divine. You are able to feel the presence of the Divinity. All the different angels and devas, all these different forms of our consciousness, start blossoming." |
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