Where Dispassion is Detrimental

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Karthik: Is there something we should not be dispassionate about?

Guruji: Myself! (laughter)

Do not put off the fire of longing for the Divine or Satsang with Dispassion.

There is a little fire in you that propels you towards Knowledge, Sadhana, Devotion and Service. Sometimes you use Knowledge to put off that fire. The so-called dispassionate people are often morose and unenthusiastic. Many a times you hear people saying. " Oh, never mind, God is everywhere, Guruji is in my heart, you can do satsang anywhere. My Seva is my Sadhana, so no need to meditate, anyway I am doing Sadhana twenty-four hours. When God wills, he will call me to satsang and advanced courses again!"

Such excuses should not be justified as dispassion.

When you want to do some service, the mind goes, "Oh, its all Maya, anyway everything is an illusion. It's all just happening. Things will happen when the time comes!"

In this way Knowledge gets misused and is quoted out of context to suit one's convenience or laziness. In the name of dispassion do not lose that spark of enthusiasm and interest. Using Knowledge like this you miss out a lot.

Keep the fire of longing for the Divine and service to the society alive. Dispassion here would be detrimental.

|| Jai Guru Dev ||

Quotes From Master

"Meditation is the comfort in Life. "

"LOVE is seeing God in the person next to us, and meditation is seeing God within us"

"WHEN the ego dissolves, all discomforts go away with the ego. Discomfort is not because of “something;” it is because of ego — a separated-ness."

"THE purpose of every practice — spiritual practice, meditation, breathing techniques, and kriya, all this — is to uncover something that blocks the expression of Divine Love."

"Behind everything is your ego: I, I, I, I. But in seva there is no I, because it has to be done for someone else. It is for the need of the time, or surrounding people, that you do it. "

"By self-study, by observing, by being hollow and empty, you become a channel - you become a part of the Divine. You are able to feel the presence of the Divinity. All the different angels and devas, all these different forms of our consciousness, start blossoming."
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